♪ Pa-pum ♪
[grunts] What…
What-What's going on?
[gasps] You're alive!
Somehow I…
I survived the fall?
Y-You didn't.
But you're okay now.
-Where is… -Your creepy caterpillar friend?
[chuckles] Two days ago, it climbed up that wall, and spun itself…
into that.
[liquid gurgling]
It's changing.
[suspenseful music playing]
Two days.
I've been dead for two whole days?
It's been two years, dad.
Over two years have passed.
[theme music playing]
[music fades]
[dramatic music playing]
[rain pattering]
[Callum] What secrets are you hiding?
[knocking on door]
High Mage Callum, the King's council is assembling in the throne room.
Oh, pfft. You don't need to call me that.
I-I know it's my official title, but all that high mage stuff is so…
stuffy. [chuckles]
Just call me my normal name, Prince Callum.
Or you know… [stutters] …just regular Callum.
But you don't actually have to actually say "regular."
Okay, I'm sorry, now I don't remember what you came to tell me.
-King's counci-- -Council meeting! Right, on my way.
[horses neighing, whinnying]
Pluviam praesidium.
[horses whinnying]
[dramatic music playing]
Morning, Soren! Corvus!
[laughs] There he is, the step-mage!
Still funny.
Gets a little bit funnier every time. Ha-ha!
That's how these things work. Nicknames, ha-ha!
-Hey, what if I called you-- -Don't.
[Crow Master humming]
Oh, hey! Uh, s-see you guys at the meeting in-in two minutes.
O-One minute!
-Crow Master! Excuse me, Crow Master? -Hmm?
Oh, sorry, were you talking to me?
Because I'm actually not the Crow Master anymore
since I got promoted.
Uh, so…
You are speaking with the Associate Crow Lord.
Not bad, not bad.
So, listen, anything come for me, maybe from Xadia?
Ancient tome, dusty and crusty and full of rare elven runes?
Oh, what is it, like a spell book?
Not quite, it's called the Tome of Translation!
I need it to translate some super-weird runes.
Mm, usually as Associate Crow Lord,
I don't get involved with things on an individual package level.
But for you, I'll keep an eye out!
Oh, and congratulations on the job thing!
Are you sure Prince Callum doesn't know that--
[door opens]
You ever get that feeling where…
[Soren] Where you walk into a room and everyone suddenly shuts up
and you're pretty sure they were talking about you?
-[Soren laughs] -Yeah!
[grunts] Nope! [laughs]
You're-You're way off, buddy.
Well, sorry I'm late everyone.
We haven't gotten started yet.
We're still waiting on your brother, the King.
[halberds thudding]
[dramatic music playing]
[Opeli] Welcome, King Ezran.
It looks like we can start this council meeting.
Opeli, wait! We're not all here.
Shall we begin, Bait?
[adventurous music playing]
[horse breathing hard]
[horse whinnying]
[horses neighing, whinnying]
"What are we doing here, Janai?
I understand the need for secret missions,
but you shouldn't keep the secret from me."
I already explained this mission is need-to-know only.
And it's safer for you not to know yet.
I promise you, Amaya, you will understand soon.
[horse whinnying]
[horse whinnying]
[horse neighs]
I need you to wait here.
"Something's not right. We're not alone."
Trust me. It's safe.
I need Commander Gren to come with me.
I'll be right back.
[suspenseful music playing]
[horses neighing]
[Opeli] Our first order of business
is welcoming our new council member to his first day.
Welcome, Barius the Baker.
Barius, have you given any thought to the official titles I suggested?
Hm, while I did appreciate
the authoritative ring of "Baker-in-Chief,"
in the end, I would be humbled
to accept the role as your Minister of Crusts and Jellies.
Our next topic:
the King says that he has some news to share.
It says here that it is "big news."
I've planned a surprise for everyone.
Katolis is going to have some special visitors…
[Soren mimics drum rolling]
What? It builds anticipation.
Now I'm excited! And I already know what's happening.
The Dragon Queen is coming to Katolis! And she's bringing Zym!
[all] Huh?
Um, King Ezran, perhaps we should think this through.
The Dragon Queen in Katolis, won't people be terrified?
They might be, at first. But it will change when they meet her.
Zubeia is gentle and kind and funny,
and when people see that, it will start to change how they see dragons.
And that's sort of the point.
This is a first step towards building trust and peace
between the human kingdoms and Xadia.
And besides, she only eats three people a day.
It's a small price to pay for peace. [chuckles]
Sorry. Not funny. Bad joke.
Well, uh, I suppose if the kingdom is having a guest,
I ought to welcome her with a dragon-sized jelly tart!
[Ezran] Not the size of a dragon?
[laughs] Uh, no, no, Your Majesty.
Uh, the size a dragon would eat!
Yes! And for tomorrow's council meeting,
let's all come with ideas for making this visit amazing.
Meeting adjourned.
[Soren] Hey, after Callum's gone, should we talk about, uh…
uh, that new dance craze! The-The one that's sweeping the castle?
Ha-ha! Ooh! Ho-ho!
All the kids are doing it. [laughs]
Ooh! Huh.
Whew! [chuckles] I'm a master bluffer.
[Ezran giggles]
[suspenseful music playing]
Seeing you now, I-I almost can't believe it's been over two years.
[grunts] I have a lot to catch up on. [gasping]
Careful! You've got to get used to being alive again.
[panting] Thank you, Claudia.
Two years ago, after the battle ended, I searched for you.
When I found your body…
it was more bent and broken than this crown.
[crown clattering]
The star caterpillar was with you,
a-and that mysterious, deep voice spoke to me.
Yes. Aaravos told me I had to act fast.
I brought you into this cave
where the star caterpillar spun a strange sparkly cocoon around you
to preserve your body.
Then what?
Then, I had to go on a quest.
A quest into Xadia:
to find every strange and rare thing I would need to save you,
to bring my father back from the dead.
[inhales] I had to do things…
I never imagined I would be able to do.
I'm… I'm sorry.
[birds twittering]
-[tense music playing] -[leaves rustling]
-[leaves rustling] -[twig cracks]
[horses whinnying]
[horseshoes thudding]
[tense music playing]
-[grunting, groaning] -[gasps]
[man] No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
[yelling, grunting]
Oh, no!
[Janai] What is going on?
[Gren] "They ambushed me."
No, no. No, no, no. [groans]
You don't understand. How could this happen?
[man whimpers]
[Soren grunting]
Ugh, yeah, feel the burn!
Ninety-seven… [grunts] …98…
[grunts] …99, and… [yells]
-What's going on, Soren? -Ah.
The whispers and secrets and hush-hushy stuff
in the council meeting?
You're gonna tell me.
Oh, uh, it's just, uh…
[stutters] Don't worry about it. It's Crownguard stuff.
You know, you wouldn't…
Soren, if Ezran's in danger, I need to know.
Is there a plot against the King?
Oh, I mean, maybe? Kind of. Whoa!
And a hundred! [laughs]
Ah, C-Callum, wait!
Amaya, this was no ambush, these are dancers!
Then why were they wielding fire whips?
Those aren't whips. They're flame ribbons used in the dance.
Go on, show her.
This is a traditional Sunfire Elf Ceremony.
What kind of ceremony?
[soft music playing]
How did I do? W-Was my signing okay?
I-It was beautiful!
Slightly off. You asked her to wrestle with you.
It was amazing.
This human she is marrying, she's a beast.
-[Janai] I heard that… -[gasps]
…and you're right.
That's what I love about her.
After finding everything I needed, I came back here to the cave.
Aaravos gave me final instructions…
and then the star caterpillar went into that chrysalis.
[liquid gurgling]
I had to complete the resurrection spell alone…
and it worked.
-Oh… -You're back!
Huh, I-I'm here.
I'm alive.
-For now. -What?
Wha-What do you mean, "for now"?
The magic is only temporary.
Ah. I see.
This spell will only bring you back for 30 days.
But dad, there is a way to make it permanent.
Aaravos can do it. H-He told me he can save you!
And when do we expect our Startouch savior to emerge
from that mystic chrysalis?
N-Never. That's not Aaravos.
Aaravos is trapped in a magical prison somewhere.
Even he doesn't know where it is.
We need to find him and free him.
In 30 days.
[sighs] It's…
It's hopeless.
There is one weird hope.
The last thing Aaravos told me before the caterpillar went in there was…
[mimics Aaravos] "The being that emerges from the chrysalis
will guide you to one who has answers."
[liquid gurgling]
[footsteps thudding]
[Soren] W-Wait up! Step-mage, let-let's talk!
[clears throat]
Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's the rush?
-Soren told me everything. -Everything?
Everything about the secret plot that the Crownguard is working to… thwart!
Callum, w-we need your help with the…
Th-The thwarting! The thwarting.
Uh, maybe we can go somewhere quiet to talk about this…
-Plot. Against the King! -[groans]
I'll help any way I can.
Let's go to the High Mage's Office, which is, uh, my office.
If Ezran is in danger, you need to tell me what's going on, now.
Well, I'm not sure where to start.
I think, uh…
Y-You know who knows most of the details?
Uh, I have a quick question first.
I've always wondered, uh…
What's under that cover?
Oh, it's, uh-- It's something Lord--
[stutters] The previous High Mage left behind.
A mirror with ancient runes on it.
I'm convinced there's a deeper secret here,
if I can just figure out what it is or what it does.
That does sound very interesting.
Mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm. Mm-hm, yeah. Very interesting, mm-hm.
My Aunt Amaya has managed to locate a rare book in Xadia,
a Tome of Translation,
and she's sent it, but I'm still waiting for it.
That book also sounds very interesting.
Oh, uh, super. Super interesting.
It is!
As soon as it gets here, I'm gonna be able to--
Wait, wait. Are you trying to stall me?
You know, I'm very passionate about this stuff, and nobody-- [gasps]
[tense music playing]
The King's Tower went dark! Ezran's in trouble!
-Mana Pluma Volantus! -[Soren, Corvus gasp]
Uh, did he just…
Ezran, I'm coming!
Are you in there?
[bell dinging]
[all] Surprise!
[pants] What?
Happy birthday, big brother!
I can't believe this!
[in unison] ♪ Have a mystical, magical birthday ♪
♪ Have a wonderful, whimsical birthday ♪
♪ Have a fun and fantastical birthday ♪
♪ With wishes and kisses And laughing and love ♪
[footsteps thudding]
Oh. I missed it.
[Viren] So to refresh:
we have one month to find a magical prison that's been hidden for centuries.
And then, we have to figure out how to break out
the ancient being trapped in that prison, or else, I will die?
Well, to be clear, it's 30 days.
Just to make sure you don't think it's a 31-day month, because…
[chuckles] …we don't get the extra day.
[sighs] It's hard to imagine things getting any worse.
[groans] I know, right?
Oh, wait! Uh, one more thing, I almost forgot.
I want you to meet my new boyfriend.
Terry! [giggling]
Yes, um, hello. The name's Terry.
Uh, like she said.
It's short for "Terrestrius." [chuckles]
Very traditional Earthblood elf name.
Bit old-fashioned, you know, but my friends call me Terry, and you…
[inhales] …can call me Terry.
May I call you Viren?
Uh, sir…
Claudia's dad?
Very well.
Anywho, your daughter's amazing. I mean, y-you know that, you're her dad.
And, like, she brought you back from the dead.
Wow! Right. [chuckles]
Well… [clears throat]
Trees to meet you.
[whispers] I think it went well.
-[clapping] -[festive music playing]
[people chattering]
[kids laughing]
All the kids are doing it. [groans] Soren was right.
[Crow Master] Oh, you hadn't heard?
I just got promoted. Associate Crow Lord.
Yeah, finally, a little respect. [chuckles]
Yo-- I'll talk to you later!
Hey, Bait, have you seen the birthday mage?
I haven't seen him in a while.
[somber music playing]
You doing okay?
Why aren't you celebrating?
Barius made you a special birthday treat. Pineapple Right-side-up Cake!
It's not really my birthday anymore. Not to me.
It'll never be the same.
Because of Rayla.
To me, this will always just be the anniversary…
[sighs] …of the day she left.
You still love her, don't you?
[Callum] I don't even know if she's alive.
She's alive.
And wherever she is…
she loves you, too.
[closing theme music playing]